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Purchasing behavior and define an









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發表於 2024-2-20 15:54:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Effective digital strategy for products and services. The grid is based on two axes: the vertical axis represents the level of consumer involvement (high or low) , while the horizontal axis distinguishes between rational and emotional approaches . This structure allows you to position a product or service in one of four quadrants, each of which suggests a different marketing strategy. FCB Grid (Richard Vaughn, 1980) The Rossiter-Percy variant: functional and transformational The Rossiter-Percy ,

variant of the FCB Grid introduces a new dimension: the distinction between functional and transformational approaches. Functional purchases are those that solve a problem or satisfy a practical need, while transformational purchases are those that improve the consumer's  Austria WhatsApp Number situation or offer personal gratification. This distinction helps to better understand why a consumer chooses a particular product or service. The FCB Grid and the four stages of the consumer persuasion process The FCB Grid model is divided into four main phases that describe the consumer persuasion process: Learn, Feel, Do, and Think . These stages help you understand how consumers interact with products and ,

services and how they can be influenced by marketing strategies. Learning – quadrant 1 The first quadrant of the FCB Grid is about high-involvement products and a rational approach . Here, consumers look for detailed information and facts before making a purchasing decision. Typical examples include consumer durables such as cars or household appliances. The marketing strategy should focus on being informative and detailed. Affectivity – quadrant 2 The second quadrant focuses on products with high involvement but with an emotional approach . Here, consumers are driven by feelings and emotions. Luxury products or unique experiences such as exotic travel fall into this category. The marketing strategy ,


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